7 Best Detox, Alcohol, And Drug Rehab Centers Near Lancaster, CA

Drug abuse and addiction issues in Lancaster, California stem mainly from abuse of opioids, but other drugs are present in the city as well. Addiction treatment is available at a number of accredited facilities in the area to allow individuals to recover from drug and alcohol abuse.

Updated on April 18, 2022

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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, roughly 45 percent of the drug overdoses in California are caused by opioids. Most of the deaths are related to fentanyl and heroin, but abuse of prescription painkillers is still rampant in the area as well.

This has affected the residents of Lancaster in numerous negative ways, including increased rates of addiction and overdose. Drug rehab programs are now more readily available in Lancaster, which helps ensure that everyone gets the medications and counseling they need to safely recover from their addiction.

Learn about some of the best alcohol and drug rehab centers in and near Lancaster, which are accredited and licensed to ensure their patients receive high-quality care. Facilities are listed only in alphabetical order.

1. American Health Services

American Health Services Drug Rehab Centers

American Health Services is an alcohol and drug rehab center near Lancaster that is accredited by the Council on Accreditation. They provide detoxification services, medication-assisted treatment, and standard outpatient substance abuse treatment.

Services within their rehab programs are as follows:

  • crisis intervention
  • individual and group counseling
  • pain management services
  • primary medical care

The facility treats addictions to a number of substances within their narcotics replacement program, including:

  • buprenorphine
  • codeine
  • fentanyl
  • hydrocodone
  • hydromorphone
  • methadone
  • morphine
  • oxycodone

Location and contact information:

2720 East Palmdale Blvd.
Suites 129-131
Palmdale, California 93550
(661) 947-3333

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2. Change Lanes Youth Support Services

Change Lanes Youth Support Services is a rehab center in Lancaster which is licensed by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and several other agencies. They mainly focus on treating adolescents, but they also have some programs available for adults. Their current treatment options are intensive outpatient and standard outpatient rehab programs.

Addiction treatment services available for adolescents are as follows:

  • anger management classes
  • addiction education classes
  • college preparation assistance
  • homework assistance
  • life-skills classes
  • mentoring
  • peer support services
  • recovery support services
  • sexual boundaries classes

The services that adults can receive here are:

  • anger management classes
  • child safety classes
  • domestic violence offenders classes
  • parent education and neglect classes

Location and contact information:

43845 10th St.
Suite 1-D
Lancaster, California 93534
(661) 948-2555

3. Cycles Of Change Recovery Services

Cycles of Change Recovery Services offers addiction treatment near Lancaster that is accredited by the Joint Commission.

They provide the following types of substance abuse treatment:

They treat addictions to these substances alcohol, cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, heroin and other opioids, and prescription drugs.

The main treatment modalities they use within their rehab programs include:

  • 12-step group therapy
  • art therapy
  • biosound therapy
  • blood and pharmacogenetics testing
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • critical incident stress management
  • family therapy
  • meditation
  • music therapy
  • psychodrama
  • yoga

Their program for first responders treats police officers, firefighters, and medical personnel for addiction, anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, and many other issues.

Location and contact information:

39860 West 27th St.
Palmdale, California 93551
(661) 800-4828

4. Design For Change Recovery Services

Design For Change Recovery Services Lancaster, California Drug Rehab Center

Design for Change Recovery Services is accredited by the Joint Commission.

They are considered to be one of the best alcohol and drug rehab centers in Lancaster because they provide a range of addiction treatment options, including:

  • detoxification services
  • intensive outpatient
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • partial hospitalization
  • short-term and long-term residential
  • standard outpatient

Treatment methods offered within their rehab programs are:

  • art therapy
  • biosound therapy
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • dance
  • fitness therapy
  • music therapy
  • nutrition therapy
  • psychodrama
  • sociometry
  • yoga
  • 12-step group therapy

Treatment is available for addictions to alcohol, hallucinogens, heroin and other opioids, marijuana, methamphetamine, and steroids. This facility also has a program for first responders with addiction issues. Their residential rehabilitation program lasts for up to 90 days. Patients can stay for as little as 30 days, if necessary.

Location and contact information:

1066 East Ave. J
Lancaster, California 93535
(661) 942-1026

5. High Road Program

High Road Program Lancaster, California Drug Rehab Center

The High Road Program only offers standard outpatient addiction treatment in Lancaster. They work with the Department of Motor Vehicles, local probation and parole agencies, and the court system to offer affordable services and programs.

Some of the most important addiction treatment services here include:

  • alcohol and drug assessments
  • anger management classes
  • deferred entry of judgment drug diversion program
  • domestic violence batterers treatment
  • drug testing
  • DUI treatment services
  • individual counseling
  • referrals for housing, transportation assistance, and job placement programs
  • rehabilitation services for previously incarcerated individuals with addiction issues

Location and contact information:

44823 Date Ave.
Lancaster, California 93534
(661) 942-2241

6. Quest 2 Recovery

Quest 2 Recovery Lancaster, California Drug Rehab Center

Quest 2 Recovery is accredited by the Joint Commission.

They offer the following types of addiction treatment in Lancaster:

Addiction treatment is available for abuse of a number of substances, including alcohol, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin and other opioids, and a number of prescription drugs.

One of the unique therapies this rehab facility offers for substance use disorders is neurotherapy. It involves helping the brain change the patterns it has developed that have led to a person repeating the same destructive behaviors over and over again.

Psychotherapy and the following other counseling methods are also used here:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • experiential therapy
  • recreational therapy
  • support groups

A specialized rehab program is available for first responders who have addiction issues. This facility will offer assistance to family members and friends who need help staging interventions for their loved one.

Location and contact information:

3239 West Ave.
Lancaster, California 93536
(888) 418-4154

7. Tarzana Treatment Centers

Tarzana Treatment Centers Lancaster, California Drug Rehab Center

The Tarzana Treatment Centers are alcohol and drug rehab centers in Lancaster that are accredited by the Joint Commission.

They offer these addiction treatment options:

  • detoxification services
  • intensive outpatient
  • residential
  • sober living
  • standard outpatient
  • telehealth services

Rehab programs here are individualized, including not only addiction treatment services, but vocational and other supportive services as well.

These include:

  • case management services
  • counseling services
  • domestic violence and anger management program
  • drug court provider services
  • drug diversity deferred entry of judgment program
  • HIV services
  • home health services
  • housing assistance
  • mental health services
  • medical care
  • vocational and life-skills classes

In addition to treating addiction, the rehab center provides dual diagnosis treatment to treat a number of mental health disorders alongside addiction. Some of these conditions include anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Some of their services are provided for free or at a low cost to those who meet income requirements. Small children can receive medical care at this facility if their parents are receiving treatment.

Location and contact information:

44443 10th St.
Lancaster, California 93534
(818) 996-1051

How To Find Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Lancaster

Although addictions to opioids are prevalent in California, there are plenty of alcohol and drug rehab programs in Lancaster that can help get addicted individuals started on the road to recovery.

This list only includes a handful of the facilities that have been proven to be the best because of their licenses, accreditations, and outstanding services.

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