There are at least two drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers within 20 miles of Eunice, Louisiana.
Substance abuse treatment options include:
- outpatient treatment
- intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
- partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
- support groups
- medical detoxification
- medication management
For more treatment options, be sure to view our list of the best Louisiana alcohol and drug rehab centers.
Rehab Centers Near Eunice, Louisiana
1. Acadiana Area Human Services District Ville Platte Behavioral Health Clinic – Ville Platte, Louisiana
Physicians, nurses, and other clinicians deliver treatment, education, and support at this behavioral health and drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility.
Intensive outpatient treatment is available utilizing these services:
- psychiatric evaluation
- medication management
- individual and group therapy
- referrals for inpatient treatment or medical detox
- support groups
Location and contact information:
312 Court St.
Ville Platte, LA 70586
(337) 363-5525
2. Savoy Medical Center – Mamou, Louisiana
Inpatient treatment and IOP programs are available at this behavioral health and drug rehab center.
Additional substance abuse treatment services include:
- medical detox
- medication management
- individual and group psychotherapy
- family therapy
Location and contact information:
801 Poinciana Ave.
Mamou, LA 70554
(337) 468-5261
Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near Eunice
Since there are no drug rehab centers in Eunice, Louisiana, residents may feel they have few options for addiction treatment.
Individuals seeking inpatient treatment will need to travel to enroll in this type of addiction treatment.
For more treatment options, be sure to view our list of the best US alcohol and drug rehab centers.
Find addiction treatment near Eunice, LA:
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- Louisiana Department of Health - Recovery Isn't Just Possible - It's Transformational - U.S. National Library of Medicine Medline Plus - Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal