If you’re a resident of Charlotte, NC, you can find drug rehab programs for addiction recovery.
Charlotte-based treatment facilities in North Carolina help clients through detox with medication-assisted treatment to reduce cravings and the discomfort of withdrawal.
Other rehab centers offer intensive programs, such as inpatient and partial hospitalization programs (PHP).
List Of Addiction Treatment Programs In Charlotte, NC
Our team has selected the top substance abuse treatment programs in Charlotte, NC, based on a range of credentials and evidence-based services that demonstrate a high quality of care.
Review the facilities in this list, which were chosen based on:
- accreditation
- evidence-based treatment
- high Google rating
- licensure
- certification
- other selection criteria
1. Anuvia Prevention & Recovery Center, Charlotte, North Carolina
Anuvia has three campuses: the main campus, the adolescent center, and the Samuel Billings Center.
This is a non-profit center that helps parents, friends, or employers of people facing substance abuse.
Trusted features:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- state licensure
- non-profit status
Levels of care:
- inpatient detox
- residential treatment
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
Treatment services:
- 12-step recovery groups
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- case management
- family therapy
- medication management
- peer recovery support
- relapse prevention
- life skills education
- naltrexone treatment
- buprenorphine treatment
Payment options:
- government funding
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- private health insurance
- self-pay
- state health insurance
Location and contact information:
100 Billingsley Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 376-7447
2. Atrium Health, Charlotte, North Carolina
This health network provides inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs (PHP) for children, teens, and adults.
At the Charlotte, NC campus, they provide outpatient services.
Trusted features:
- Joint Commission accreditation
- state licensure
- non-profit status
Levels of care:
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
Treatment services:
- buprenorphine treatment
- naltrexone treatment
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- motivational interviewing (MI)
- Matrix Model
- relapse prevention
- telehealth
- case management
- group therapy
- individual therapy
Payment options:
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- private health insurance
- self-pay
Location and contact information:
7825 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy.
Ste. 110
Charlotte, NC 28277
(704) 446-0391
3. Charlotte Rescue Mission, Charlotte, North Carolina
This rehab center offers residential faith-based drug and alcohol treatment for both men and women.
This treatment center leads clients through the method of Bible study and applying the knowledge to heal from emotional wounds. The Rescue Mission also provides gender-specific treatment including treatment for women parenting children.
Trusted features:
- 4.6-star Google rating
- evidence-based treatment
- non-profit status
Levels of care:
- residential treatment
Treatment services:
- 12-step recovery groups
- counseling
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- life skills education
- peer recovery support
- relapse prevention
- men’s addiction treatment
- women’s addiction treatment
Payment options:
- free/low-cost
Location and contact information:
907 W. 1st St.
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 333-4635
4. Community Alternatives, Charlotte, North Carolina
Community Alternatives offers prevention, residential, and outpatient treatment programs that are gender-specific to women.
This includes women, women who are pregnant, parenting, and post-partum.
Trusted features:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- state licensure
Levels of care:
- residential treatment
- partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
Treatment services:
- anger management
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- motivational interviewing (MI)
- relapse prevention
- 12-step recovery groups
- trauma-informed therapy
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- employment services
- case management
- drug testing
Payment options:
- government funding
- Medicaid
- private health insurance
- state health insurance
Location and contact information:
2401 Sardis Rd. N.
Ste. 120
Charlotte, NC 28227
(704) 336-4844
5. McLeod Addictive Disease Center, Charlotte, North Carolina
This alcohol and drug rehab center in Charlotte offers residential, outpatient, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
McLeod also provides substance abuse education programs.
Trusted features:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) certification
- state licensure
- non-profit status
Levels of care:
- residential treatment
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
Treatment services:
- anger management
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- motivational interviewing (MI)
- relapse prevention
- trauma-informed therapy
- Matrix Model
- 12-step recovery groups
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- peer recovery support
- drug testing
Payment options:
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- private health insurance
- self-pay
- state health insurance
Location and contact information:
515 Clanton Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28217
(704) 332-9001
What To Expect From Drug Or Alcohol Rehab In Charlotte
If you choose an inpatient or residential treatment program, treatment services may vary depending on the facility.
Usually, you can expect some of the following:
- prepared meals
- a structured day with free time for recreation
- individual, group, or family therapy sessions
- detoxification, if needed
- medical assistance for withdrawal or other issues
- programs for family members
- peer support groups
- medication management of prescription drugs
The program you select may vary in specifics, but inpatient rehab will always include therapy, group support, and living accommodations.
How Long You’ll Be In Rehab
To be considered effective, experts suggest that an inpatient treatment program lasts at least 28 to 30 days. However, you may stay at the facility for up to 90 days.
This type of program should then be followed by community-based aftercare or an outpatient program.
So, while your inpatient program may end, it’s recommended that you continue getting treatment in the months that follow to ensure a stable recovery.
Many people opt for a standard outpatient program post-inpatient treatment, which involves about one to three sessions per week of education and counsel.
FAQs For Rehab Centers In Charlotte, NC
We’ve compiled some of the most common questions that people may have about substance abuse treatment in Charlotte.
What Is The Rate Of Relapse In Charlotte?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 40% to 60% of those addicted to drugs will relapse.
Though many people view this as a failure, it’s a very normal part of the addiction recovery process, and there are options for continued treatment after a relapse.
What Happens If I Relapse After Going To A Charlotte Program?
If you relapse, you can lean on the support of your peers, outpatient therapy groups, or get into counseling with a therapist if you don’t have one already.
There are many low- to high-intensity programs you can try if you relapse so you can get the level of care you’re looking for.
What Makes Treatment In Charlotte Effective?
At a Charlotte recovery program, you’ll get effective treatment if it meets the emotional, mental, and physical aspects of recovery.
Effective treatment will address not only the addiction, but also resolve the trauma, social implications, employment, and other issues related to a person’s sustained sobriety.
Find Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment
Are you or a loved one looking for drug or alcohol addiction treatment? Call us today. We have more information for you about your treatment options and how to get started.
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- DPBH - State of Nevada — Principles of Effective Treatment
https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Programs/ClinicalSAPTA/Docs/Appendix%20C-13,%20Principles%20of%20Effective%20Treatment.pdf - National Center for Biotechnology Information — Chapter 5—Specialized Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64815/ - National Center for Biotechnology Information — CHAPTER 4 EARLY INTERVENTION, TREATMENT, AND MANAGEMENT OF SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK424859/ - National Institute on Drug Abuse — How effective is drug addiction treatment?