There is one alcohol and drug treatment center near York, South Carolina, for residents living with addiction.
Substance abuse treatment centers in South Carolina offer treatment services such as:
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- residential treatment
- intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
- outpatient programs (OP)
For more treatment options, be sure to view our list of the best drug rehab centers in South Carolina.
Rehab Center Near York, South Carolina
If you or a loved one are searching for a substance abuse treatment program in the York, SC, area, it’s best to filter based on several factors, such as the level of care, use of evidence-based services, and marks of quality treatment.
The treatment facility in the list below were selected based on marks of quality care such as:
- accreditation
- Google ratings
- client testimonials
1. Hazel Pittman Center, Chester, South Carolina
This substance abuse treatment center is about 22 miles from York, SC.
Hazel Pittman Center specializes in a variety of counseling services as well as educational services designed to help individuals understand substance use disorders and other behavioral health issues.
Trusted features:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- state licensure
- client testimonials
Levels of care:
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
Treatment services:
- life skills education
- counseling
- DUI treatment programs
- group therapy
- individual therapy
- treatment referrals
Payment options:
- private health insurance
- Medicaid
- self-pay
Location and contact information:
130 Hudson St.
Chester, SC 29706
(803) 377-8111
Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers In South Carolina
For more helpful information about drug and alcohol treatment options, contact today.
If you are considering traveling for addiction treatment, be sure to view our list of the best drug rehab centers in the US.
Find addiction treatment near York, SC:
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL - drug overdose deaths - SOUTH CAROLINA - National Survey on Drug Use and Health - drug use