No accredited substance abuse treatment centers are located in North Lynnwood.
However, several nearby cities provide alcohol and drug treatment facilities.
Alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs near North Lynnwood, Washington include:
- inpatient treatment
- outpatient treatment
- partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
- dual diagnosis for co-occurring disorders
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
- relapse prevention planning
- and more
For more treatment options, be sure to view our list of the best alcohol detox centers in Washington.
Rehab Centers Near North Lynnwood, Washington
1. Evergreen Recovery Centers – Lynnwood, Washington
Evergreen Recovery Centers are located throughout the state of Washington.
The closest one to North Lynnwood is four miles to the south in Lynnwood, Washington.
This drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility is CARF-accredited.
This substance abuse treatment facility provides many treatment programs, such as:
- intensive outpatient treatment
- traditional outpatient treatment
- specialized services for pregnant/parenting women
- drug screening
- medical detox (alcohol detox and drug detox)
Location and contact information:
4230 198th St. SW
Lynnwood, WA 98036
(425) 248-4900
2. Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers – Kirkland, Washington
Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers are located throughout the state of Washington.
They are CARF-accredited and provide a wide range of treatment programs.
Substance abuse treatment services provide at the Lakeside-Milam Edmonds location include:
- clinical assessments
- individual and group counseling
- relapse education
- life skills training
- case management
- continuing care
This outpatient drug rehab center is located less than seven miles from North Lynnwood.
Location and contact information:
10322 NE 132nd St.
Kirkland, WA 98034
(866) 418-9132
3. Northpoint Washington – Edmonds, Washington
Northpoint Washington is an alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment center in Edmonds.
Edmonds is located east of Lynnwood and is seven miles from the heart of North Lynnwood.
Northpoint Washington is accredited by the Joint Commission.
Drug rehab programs at Northpoint Washington include:
- medical detox with 24-hour monitoring
- dual diagnosis for co-occurring disorders
- individual and group counseling
- cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- outpatient treatment programs
Location and contact information:
7416 212th St. SW
Edmonds, WA 98026
(425) 947-5013
Finding Addiction Treatment In North Lynnwood, Washington
Substance abuse issues can be difficult to treat on your own.
They require ongoing care from professionals as well as community support.
If you are considering traveling for addiction treatment, be sure to view our list of the best alcohol detox centers in the US.
Find addiction treatment near North Lynnwood, WA:
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- Medical News Today — What are the treatments for addiction? - National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) — Drug Misuse and Addiction