How Long Does Hydrocodone Stay In Your Blood?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on April 30, 2021

Hydrocodone is an opioid that becomes Vicodin when combined with acetaminophen. It can be detected in blood for only a small window of time — up to eight hours.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on April 30, 2021
How Long Can Hydrocodone Be Detected In Your Blood?

Vicodin is a combination of hydrocodone, an opioid, and acetaminophen, a fever-reducer and pain-reliever.

It is prescribed for moderate to severe pain and can be detected through blood drug tests for up to eight hours.

For individuals with a suspected hydrocodone addiction, a drug test may be administered. However, this will most likely come in the form of a urine test.

Hydrocodone Detection Time In Blood

Detection time refers to the amount of time after taking a drug that it can be picked up by a drug test or drug screen.

Hydrocodone can only be detected in the blood for up to 24 hours.

Blood tests are not typically used for the detection of hydrocodone or Vicodin; urine tests are the most common test used.

Because of the short half-life for vicodin, someone would essentially have to still be under the influence of the drug in order for a blood test to pick it up.

This is why you are unlikely to encounter a blood test for hydrocodone.

What Factors Can Affect Hydrocodone Detection Times In Blood?

Detection time will vary from person to person, in addition to being dependent on the size of the dose and the amount of time in between doses.

Factors that can affect how long hydrocodone stays in the system:

  • body composition
  • weight
  • medical conditions
  • medications
  • interaction with other drugs and/or alcohol
  • opioid abuse history
  • metabolism
  • liver function

As a person becomes addicted to hydrocodone, it will become more difficult for them to achieve their desired results from it. Unfortunately, this leads to a person taking larger and more frequent doses.

Why Blood Drug Tests Are Used For Hydrocodone

It is not uncommon to be drug tested when starting a new job or when your physician feels that you have health concerns that need to be monitored.

If you are showing signs of hydrocodone abuse or addiction, then your physician may order a drug screening for you, which will mostly likely come in the form of a urine test.

Hydrocodone addiction or abuse is treatable and should not be ignored.

Treatment is available in the form of:

  • detox
  • inpatient rehab
  • outpatient rehab
  • medication

Treatment will usually consist of some form of counseling or mental health support, either in individual or group formats.

Finding Addiction Treatment For Hydrocodone

Please don’t be afraid to ask for help if you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to hydrocodone.

Calling our helpline today is the first step towards learning about hydrocodone addiction and the various treatment options nearby.

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