Bakersfield recovery centers accept Medicaid, Medicare, and government grants for substance use treatment. Some rehab facilities are donation-based and can offer their services free of cost.
Free behavioral health services in Bakersfield, CA may include:
- partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
- intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
- inpatient drug rehab
- drug and alcohol detox programs
- aftercare services
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid and alcohol addiction
Learn more about finding free treatment options in California
List Of Free Drug Rehab Centers In Bakersfield, CA
Below are five of the most reputable and affordable rehab centers in the city of Bakersfield.
These addiction treatment programs were chosen based on:
- client testimonials
- Google ratings
- accreditations earned
- evidence-based services offered
- affordability
1. Aegis Treatment Centers, Bakersfield, California
Aegis provides treatment for substance use disorder through its opioid treatment program (OTP). This facility accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare (military insurance), and private insurance.
Substance abuse treatments offered:
- outpatient detox
- brief intervention
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- relapse prevention
- buprenorphine maintenance
Top qualities of this treatment program:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- membership in the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)
- association with The National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH)
- positive client testimonials
- multiple locations throughout California
Location and contact information:
1018 21st St.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 861-9967
2. Bakersfield American Indian Health Program (BAIHP), Bakersfield, California
BAIHP is an Urban Indian health program funded by the Indian Health Service, and serves over 220 tribes who currently reside in Kern County.
This treatment center provides medical case management, mental health counseling, IOP, 12-step programs, and telehealth therapy.
This treatment facility features:
- 4.4-star Google rating
- positive client testimonials
- evidence-based and holistic therapies offered
Location and contact information:
1617 30th St.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 327-4030
3. Clinica Sierra Vista, Bakersfield, California
Clinica Sierra Vista is a non-profit organization that offers free, no-cost addiction recovery services at numerous locations in Kern County and Fresno County.
Treatment options include:
- individual and group counseling
- access and referral to community resources
- medication management
- treatment for co-occurring disorders
- services for adolescents
Qualities for Clinica Sierra Vista:
- excellent client feedback
- accreditation from The Joint Commission
- member of the California Primary Care Association
Location and contact information:
3117 Wilson Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93304
(661) 324-4756
4. Legacy Village, Bakersfield, California
Legacy Village is an addiction recovery center and sober living community that accepts IHS/Tribal/Urban (ITU) funds, Tricare, and private health insurance for payment.
This facility offers a wide-range of treatment approaches including residential detox, cognitive behavioral therapy, 12-step programs, overdose education, and much more.
Features of this center:
- accreditation from The Joint Commission
- positive client testimonials
- National Alliance of Addiction Treatment Centers (NAATC) member
Location and contact information:
1620 Oregon St.
Bakersfield, CA 93305
(661) 846-2745
5. Turning Point, Bakersfield, California
Turning Point is a non-profit treatment center that offers regular outpatient treatment and transitional housing to those in need. You can get help here with no out-of-pocket expenses.
Substance abuse treatment services include:
- intervention services
- motivational incentives
- substance use disorder counseling
- relapse prevention
- mental health services
Top features of this treatment facility:
- 3.9-star Google rating
- positive client testimonials
- evidence-based treatments promote the best outcomes
Location and contact information:
1101 Union Ave.
Suite 100
Bakersfield, CA 93307
(661) 437-4860 ext. 2272
How Can I Get Free Drug Or Alcohol Treatment In Bakersfield?
There are three ways to acquire free rehab treatment in Bakersfield, CA. You can use Medicaid, government grants, or a government grant for drug addiction recovery.
Medicaid Coverage
Medi-Cal is the Medicaid health care program in California. To be eligible for Medi-Cal, you must meet certain income requirements, be pregnant, or disabled.
Learn more about how to use Medi-Cal to pay for a drug rehab program
State And Federal Grants
Government-awarded grants can also be used to pay for rehab.
Some of the grants available in Bakersfield:
- State Opioid Response (SOR) Program — The SOR grant is designed to increase access to opioid treatment and recovery support services across the state.
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) — The SABG is a block grant available through SAMHSA for individuals seeking drug abuse treatment.
Non-Profit And Donation-Based Organizations
Another option for free rehab is through a donation-based rehab facility. Often, these drug rehab centers offer their services free of charge.
You only need to contact the rehab and enter the waitlist. Keep in mind that these organizations are in high demand and waitlists can be long.
Bakersfield Free Rehab FAQs
See below for more information about free rehab centers in Bakersfield, CA.
❓ Is There Free Rehab In Bakersfield, CA?
✔️ Yes, free rehab is available throughout the city of Bakersfield.
❓ Can I Have Visitors At A Free Rehab Center In Bakersfield?
✔️ Yes, family and friends are usually encouraged to visit so they can be involved in your recovery process.
❓ What Are The Other Funding Options For Rehab In Bakersfield?
✔️ If you don’t qualify for Medi-Cal or a SAMHSA grant, you can contact the rehab center about payment assistance plans they may offer, including a sliding fee scale for payment.
Usually, these funding options will require you to submit proof of income, residence, household size, and other documentation to qualify.
❓ How Long Does Alcohol And Drug Treatment Take?
✔️ Your stay depends on which substances are being used and the severity of the addiction.
Detoxification can last up to 2 weeks. A common length of time is 30, 60, and 90 days for residential treatment, but can be much longer if sober home living is recommended.
Find Free Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Bakersfield
There are several free drug treatment programs in Bakersfield, CA to choose from. Just because rehab is expensive doesn’t mean you or your loved one can’t get help.
Contact our helpline for more information. Our team can offer referrals for medical advice, as well as answer any questions you may have about addiction programs.
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- California Department of Health Care Services — Funding Opportunities and Grant Resources - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — Grants - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — Find Treatment