Addiction treatment centers in Long Beach, CA can be very expensive. As a result, free drug and alcohol rehab is in high demand.
These treatment programs provide evidence-based care for low-income people. To take advantage of free rehab, you need to schedule an intake appointment and enter a waitlist.
Free behavioral therapy in Long Beach may include:
- sober living
- intensive outpatient treatment
- residential programs
- partial hospitalization programs
- support groups for alcohol abuse
- opioid and methamphetamine detox
- medication-assisted treatment
- dual diagnosis for co-occurring disorders
Find additional free California rehab centers
List Of Free Addiction Recovery Centers In Long Beach, CA
We have selected the following free alcohol and drug rehab centers to help narrow your search.
These treatment facilities were chosen based on criteria like:
- accreditations
- affordability
- Google ratings
- client testimonials
- services offered
1. American Indian Changing Spirits, Long Beach, California
American Indian Changing Spirits provides community-based outreach and education, along with evidence-based addiction treatment for American Indian men and women.
This facility offers a residential recovery program at low or no cost for people with IHS/Tribal/Urban (ITU) funds, Medicaid, and government grants.
Drug treatments provided here:
- long-term residential treatment
- individual counseling
- 12-step groups
- relapse prevention
Features of this treatment center:
- CARF accreditation
- excellent client testimonials
- member of Native American Neighborhood Network (NANN)
Location and contact information:
2120 W. Williams St.
Building 1
Long Beach, CA 90810
(562) 388-8118
2. Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Long Beach, California
The Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving pacific islanders and under-served communities with substance abuse treatments.
All programs are available to individuals regardless of race or ethnicity. Their services are provided free of charge.
Treatment options here include:
- intensive outpatient treatment
- trauma-related counseling
- relapse prevention
- naloxone and overdose education
Top qualities for AADAP:
- multiple locations throughout southern California
- 5-star Google rating
- positive client testimonials
Location and contact information:
1360 E. Anaheim St.
Suite 205
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-9530
3. Behavioral Health Services Redgate Memorial, Long Beach, California
Behavioral Health Services (BHS) offers a range of medical services to the community including detoxification, cognitive behavioral therapy, transitional housing, and more.
You can receive free care at BHS through Medicaid, private insurance, and government funds for substance abuse programs. If you don’t have health insurance, payment assistance is available.
This rehab center is backed by:
- positive client testimonials
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- evidence-based care
Location and contact information:
1775 Chestnut Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-8444
4. Safe Refuge, Long Beach, California
This facility can be paid for with funds provided through Medicaid, Tricare (military insurance), SAMHSA block grants, and private health insurance.
If you’re uninsured, services can be provided on a sliding scale based on your income and other factors. Check with the facility for details on their payment assistance plans.
Recovery services offered here include:
- residential and outpatient programs
- individual and group counseling
- intensive day treatment
- housing programs for families
Best qualities for Safe Refuge:
- 5-star Google ratings
- licensed and certified by the state of California
- CARF accreditation
Location and contact information:
728 Freeman Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 987-5722 ext. 12230
5. Tarzana Treatment Centers, Long Beach, California
Tarzana Treatment Centers provides substance use disorder treatments like medical detox programs, mental health care, addiction counseling, and recreational therapy.
You may receive free care here through Medicaid and government-awarded grants.
Features of this facility:
- accreditation from the Joint Commission
- locations throughout Southern California
- positive client testimonials
Location and contact information:
2101 Magnolia Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90806
(818) 654-3815
How Can I Get Free Drug Or Alcohol Treatment In Long Beach?
Free rehab in Long Beach, CA can be accessed through Medicaid, state and federal grants for addiction treatment, and by using a donation-based free rehab center.
Medicaid Coverage
Medicaid in California is called Medi-Cal. It is a health insurance program for children, pregnant women, disabled, and low-income people. Most rehab centers accept Medi-Cal as a form of payment.
Read more about using Medi-Cal to pay for drug and alcohol treatment
State And Federal Grants
You may also use federal and state-issued grants to pay for a stay at a rehab center.
Some of the grants available in Long Beach, CA:
- State Opioid Response (SOR) Program — The SOR grant is designed to increase access to opioid treatment and recovery support services in California.
- Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) — The MHBG targets adults and children with serious mental illness (SMI).
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) — The SABG is a block grant available through SAMHSA for individuals seeking drug abuse treatment.
Non-Profit And Donation-Based Organizations
Donation-based, non-profit organizations are funded by private and public donations. Because of this, they can usually offer free, no-payment-needed services to clients.
These facilities may request proof of income and other criteria to qualify. They may also ask for a small fee to help cover boarding costs.
Free Rehab Centers In Long Beach FAQs
The frequently asked questions below may help you find a rehab program to fit your needs.
❓ Is There Free Rehab In Long Beach?
✔️ Long Beach is home to a number of free and low-cost rehab centers.
❓ How Long Is A Stay At A Long Beach Free Rehab?
✔️ There is not a set amount of time that applies to all people seeking rehabilitation. Most facilities offer 30-day programs, while some people may be better served at a 60- or 90-day program.
The length of your stay largely depends on the severity of the addiction and what substances were used, as well as any co-occurring mental health conditions.
❓ What Other Financing Options Are There For Rehab In Long Beach?
✔️ If you’re not able to secure funding with health insurance or grants, some rehab centers offer payment assistance or sliding fee scales.
When using a sliding scale, the cost of treatment services is based on what you can afford. The less money you make, the less you have to pay.
❓ Does Rehab Cure Addiction?
✔️ There is no cure for addiction, but with dedication and hard work you can learn to manage your addiction effectively. Free rehab in Long Beach, CA can help teach you lifelong coping skills.
Find Free Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Long Beach
Don’t put off your or your loved one’s recovery simply because rehab can be expensive. There are several free and affordable rehab centers in Long Beach, CA to choose from.
Call our helpline and speak with one of our representatives for more information. We can offer referrals for medical advice, and help you find a rehab facility in your area.
Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- California Department of Health Care Services — Apply for Medi-Cal - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — Grants - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — Find Treatment Locator