Zubsolv Street Price | Street Value Of Zubsolv

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on December 28, 2021

Zubsolv has been sold illegally on the street for between $2 to $15. Zubsolv abuse is not as common as other opioid abuse, but it has become more popular in recent years.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on December 28, 2021

There are a number of varying factors that affect the cost of Zubsolv sold on the street.

On average, a person can expect to pay around $1.20 per milligram of buprenorphine in the pill.

Zubsolv combines buprenorphine/naloxone in a sublingual tablet in six different milligram combinations, including:

  • 0.7 mg/0.18 mg
  • 1.4 mg/0.36 mg
  • 2.9 mg/0.71 mg
  • 5.7 mg/1.4 mg
  • 8.6 mg/2.1 mg
  • 11.4 mg/2.9 mg

Learn more about taking Zubsolv for opioid withdrawal management

How Much Will A Zubsolv Pill Cost On The Street?

A Zubsolv pill with 8.6mg/2.1mg of buprenorphine/naloxone is likely to cost about $10.

However, there are factors that can affect the cost of illegally purchased Zubsolv.

What Affects The Cost Of Zubsolv On The Street?

Zubsolv is not as expensive as other buprenorphine medications because Zubsolv also contains naloxone.

Abusing this drug by snorting or injecting Zubsolv will activate the naloxone, reversing the desired effects of the opioid.

According to research, Zubsolv costs almost 20 percent less than pure buprenorphine, such as Suboxone, sold on the street.

Other factors that affect the cost of Zubsolv on the street may include:

  • geographic location
  • socioeconomic status of area
  • demographics within the area
  • access to healthcare
  • time/season of year
  • buying in bulk
  • drug availability vs. demand

Learn more about the value of drugs commonly sold on the street

Buying Zubsolv To Treat Opioid Withdrawal Vs. Other Uses

One common factor that affects the cost of Zubsolv is what the person is using it for.

If a person is abusing Zubsolv to keep them from going into opioid withdrawal, they may be willing to pay more for the medication.

However, a person who is purchasing Zubsolv illegally to attempt to stop abusing other opioids may purchase more tablets, lowering the overall cost.

Locating Substance Abuse Treatment For Zubsolv Addiction

Opioid addiction is dangerous and can lead to accidental overdose, and in some cases, death.

Seeking addiction recovery services for an opioid use disorder can help those who are addicted to opioids, including Zubsolv.

If this is you or your loved one, give us a call today. Our helpline is available to discuss treatment options and how to start the journey to becoming free from opioids.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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