How Much Does Vivitrol Cost With And Without Insurance?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

Vivitrol is a brand-name formulation of naltrexone that is covered by many commercial, private, and public insurance plans. Without insurance, Vivitrol typically costs upwards of $1,000 per shot, on average.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

The average cost of a Vivitrol shot is $1,176.50 when administered as part of an opioid treatment program (OTP). This cost may be fully or partially covered by a health insurance plan.

Vivitrol is a brand-name version of the drug, naltrexone. It is an extended-release medication that is administered once a month in the form of an intramuscular injection.

Learn more about using Vivitrol for alcohol and opioid addiction

Is Vivitrol Covered By Insurance?

Vivitrol is covered by many health insurance plans, including Medicaid, which may cover the full or partial cost of Vivitrol for alcohol dependence or opioid use disorder.

Whether your insurance plan covers Vivitrol treatment can depend on:

  • your specific insurance policy
  • state of residence
  • clinical diagnosis
  • treatment setting in which the shot is received

Some health insurance providers may only cover Vivitrol shots that are administered in certain treatment settings. Prior authorization, copay, and deductible requirements may apply.

Cost Of Vivitrol Without Insurance

Without insurance, the cost of Vivitrol is about $1,176.50 a month on average, when you get the shot as part of an opioid treatment program (OTP).

What this cost includes:

  • monthly Vivitrol shot
  • administration of the drug
  • related treatment services

The retail cost of Vivitrol per unit can vary, ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 for a 380 milligram (mg) extended-release shot, depending on the pharmacy visited.

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How Can I Get Help Paying For Vivitrol?

A reduced cost for Vivitrol may be available through a patient assistance program, or a co-pay savings program for those with commercial, public, or private insurance.

Eligibility requirements, such as having an FDA-approved diagnosis for receiving Vivitrol treatment, may apply in order to receive cost assistance.

Vivitrol Treatment Costs FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the cost of Vivitrol treatment.

❓ What’s Included In The Cost Of Vivitrol Treatment?

✔️ Vivitrol is a medication that must be administered alongside a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for the treatment of opioid dependence.

For this reason, the cost of Vivitrol treatment involves not just the cost of the medication, but also the administration of the drug and related support services.

❓ Does Vivitrol Have A Generic Version?

✔️ There is no generic version of Vivitrol that is approved for opioid use disorder.

Naltrexone, the primary ingredient in Vivitrol, is available as a generic drug in pill form, sold under the names naltrexone, Revia, and Depade.

❓ Does Medicaid Cover Vivitrol?

✔️ Vivitrol is covered by Medicaid plans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Prior authorization, copayment, and other eligibility requirements may apply.

Read more about Medicaid coverage for Vivitrol

❓ How Much Is Vivitrol Out Of Pocket?

✔️ Vivitrol costs over $1,100 for a once-monthly shot. This is the amount a person would likely be required to pay out-of-pocket without insurance coverage.

❓ Is Vivitrol The Same As Suboxone?

✔️ No. Suboxone is a medication that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. Vivitrol is an injectable form of naltrexone, a non-addictive opioid antagonist.

Both Vivitrol and Suboxone are medications that are approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to treat opioid use disorder, also known as opioid addiction.

❓ Is Vivitrol Worth The Cost?

✔️ Vivitrol can serve as a supportive treatment for people who are on the journey towards recovery from alcohol or opioid use disorder.

For many people, Vivitrol is a helpful medication, due to its ability to help reduce cravings and prevent the euphoric effects of these substances.

Call Today To Learn More About Vivitrol Treatment

Vivitrol is a medication taken once a month that, alongside behavioral health treatment and other support services, can help people maintain sobriety from alcohol and opioids.

Vivitrol is offered by some drug and alcohol rehab centers following detox to ease cravings for substances and help prevent relapse in recovery.

For more information about the cost of Vivitrol or how to find affordable addiction treatment near you, call our helpline to connect with one of our staff members today.

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