How To Get Prescribed Vivitrol

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

Vivitrol has to be prescribed by an approved healthcare provider. It can then be administered by a trained pharmacist or prescribing healthcare provider.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

A person struggling with alcohol or opioid addiction may be interested in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options, like Vivitrol.

Vivitrol is an injectable form of naltrexone that lasts for four weeks and can help reduce cravings and increase sustained sobriety.

A prescription for Vivitrol can be obtained by finding a provider who can prescribe and administer Vivitrol, or an approved pharmacist to administer the medication.

Learn more about using Vivitrol for addiction treatment

Who Can Help You Get Vivitrol Prescribed?

Reaching out to your primary doctor to check if they provide Vivitrol injections is a good first step.

Your Primary Care Physician Or Other Approved Provider

While medical professionals require approval to be a Vivitrol provider to prescribe the injection, if they are not approved, your doctor may be able to provide assistance in another way.

Some healthcare providers are willing to write a prescription for low doses of naltrexone pills while you are seeking substance abuse treatment that includes Vivitrol injections.

Your Substance Abuse Counselor

A person who is already attending inpatient drug rehab or outpatient addiction treatment can likely find a list of Vivitrol providers from their substance abuse counselor.

Vivitrol Clinics

Additionally, there is an online option directly from the Vivitrol website to seek out clinics that can write Vivitrol prescriptions.

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Schedule Your Appointment For Your Vivitrol Injection

There is a recommended protocol when seeking Vivitrol to treat an opioid use disorder (OUD), and reaching out to a healthcare provider ahead of time can help you navigate this process.

A person has to be opioid-free before starting monthly injections of Vivitrol. This means they must abstain from taking opioids for a minimum of seven to 14 days ahead of time.

Letting your healthcare provider know that you are making the appointment to receive the Vivitrol injection also gives them time to order the medication, if needed.

The initial appointment is a good time to ask questions about Vivitrol treatment, as well as discuss options for long-term MAT, especially if your provider cannot prescribe Vivitrol.

Keep All Appointments Involved In Your Vivitrol Regimen

It is extremely important to keep all your appointments that are associated with Vivitrol treatment protocol.

Injections are given monthly, and they have to be given on time to avoid emerging opioid cravings and increased potential for relapse.

Missing appointments with a Vivitrol provider can also impact your treatment by making it difficult to reschedule or even having a provider dismiss you from the clinic.

Finding A Opioid Abuse Treatment Program

Locating a provider who is authorized to prescribe Vivitrol may take time and several phone calls.

Luckily, we have a staff of trained addiction specialists who are available to help answer questions and provide information to you as soon as you reach out.

Call our helpline today and allow us to help find a provider or addiction treatment program that can help you or your loved one break the cycle of addiction.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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