What Does Molly Look Like?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on June 21, 2021

What the molly drug looks like may vary based on whether a person uses the powder or pill form of it. The appearance of molly can affect its potency, and certain types of molly without a drug dealer’s brand may contain other dangerous substances.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on June 21, 2021

What molly (also known as ecstasy) looks like can vary depending on the form of the drug. It can come in a white powder or is pressed into pill form.

The size, color, and shape of these pills will vary depending on the drug producer since many illegal drug labs want to differentiate their “product”.

What Molly (MDMA) Pills Look Like

Many ecstasy pills have a range of different colors like pink, green, purple, and blue.

Some pills are molded into diamond shapes, stamped with “branded” names, or into the likeness of cartoon characters like SpongeBob SquarePants.

The appearance of molly pills may indicate the level of MDMA or other drugs present in the pill. This knowledge is passed by word-of-mouth and through web forums.

What Molly (MDMA) Powder Looks Like

As a powder, MDMA comes in a grey or white crystalline form. Most people take molly orally in pill form.

Why Does The Appearance Of Molly Matter?

Many illegal molly pills are cut with a range of stimulants, hallucinogens, and downers.

The pill’s appearance or branding may communicate what is in it to some people with the correct knowledge.

People without an insider’s understanding of the variety of molly’s pills are playing a risky game with this illegal drug.

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Pure MDMA can lead to intense feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and sociability.

However, MDMA that has been cut with unknown drugs may worsen symptoms associated with high blood pressure and breathing, alongside risks of hallucinations and panic.

The variety of ways that molly appears makes it dangerous to take without risking contamination.

Getting Help With MDMA Abuse

People that take club drugs recreationally may become addicted to the drugs and may abuse other substances. Those with substance use disorders can get help from inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities.

Call our treatment specialists to learn more about the drug treatment options available to you. Sober living is possible. Get started today.

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