Plugging Klonopin: Side Effects, Risks, And Dangers

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on

While Klonopin may be used to treat seizures, panic attacks, and anxiety, it also has a high potential for abuse. This is especially true if it’s being administered rectally. Plugging Klonopin comes with a number of side effects, risks, and dangers. Treatment for Klonopin abuse can help individuals stop use of the drug and work to manage addictive behaviors.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on
Dangers Of Plugging Klonopin (Clonazepam)

Plugging, or administering drugs through the rectum, is one way that people with a substance use disorder may take drugs. While it’s not quite as popular as snorting, injecting, or swallowing, it’s still a common practice with potentially severe side effects. One drug that people may abuse this way is Klonopin.

Klonopin is a powerful central nervous system depressant that can be helpful when prescribed for seizures, panic attacks, or anxiety. Unfortunately, it can also be highly addictive and dangerous if abused.

Some of the most potentially severe risks of plugging Klonopin include:

  • seizures
  • psychosis
  • respiratory depression
  • damage or death of rectal tissue
  • decreased blood flow to the small intestine
  • suicidal behavior and ideation
  • increased risk of addiction
  • increased risk of overdose

Dangers And Risks Of Plugging Klonopin (Clonazepam)

Klonopin is a brand name for the drug, clonazepam. It’s commonly prescribed by doctors in the United States to treat seizures, panic attacks, and anxiety. Klonopin belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines (benzos), which also includes drugs like alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium).

Benzos like Klonopin can be habit-forming, which can lead to substance abuse, addiction, and other serious risks, including those listed above.

After a person develops a physical tolerance to or dependence on Klonopin, they may look for ways to increase the desired effects of the drug. This is when plugging may begin.

Plugging Klonopin can lead to potentially serious physical dangers including:

  • passing blood
  • rectal pain
  • tears in the colon
  • inability to control bowel movements
  • decreased blood flow to the small intestine
  • death of surrounding tissue

There’s also the chance of more severe adverse reactions, including an increased risk of overdose, when plugging Klonopin.

Klonopin Overdose Risk

Abusing Klonopin can lead to severe side effects, including the risk of overdose, in several different ways.

A Klonopin overdose may take the form of a seizure or central nervous system depression and slowed breathing. These risks are even higher if a person is plugging Klonopin.

Drugs taken through rectal administration may have a faster onset time and a higher bioavailability than drugs taken orally. Basically, this means that a person may experience a more intense high that both comes on and fades away very quickly.

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Because of this, the desired effects of Klonopin may wear off before the drug has completely left a person’s system, which can cause a person to take more. This can easily lead to an accidental overdose.

Common signs and symptoms of a Klonopin overdose may include:

  • clammy skin
  • loss of consciousness/coma
  • confusion
  • dilated pupils
  • extreme drowsiness
  • loss of coordination
  • sedation
  • slow reflexes
  • difficulty breathing
  • weak and rapid pulse

If you notice these signs or suspect a Klonopin overdose, don’t hesitate to call 911 immediately.

Other Dangers Of Plugging Klonopin

Plugging Klonopin can also cause a variety of other symptoms, in addition to side effects. This is especially true if the drug is abused repeatedly over time.

Some additional side effects of Klonopin abuse that may range from moderate to severe could include:

  • ataxia (disease of the nervous system)
  • behavior problems
  • heart palpitations
  • hair loss
  • hallucinations
  • memory loss or amnesia
  • impaired thought process
  • difficulty moving
  • sexual dysfunction

If you’ve noticed these signs or symptoms in yourself or a loved one, reach out to a treatment specialist today to talk about the possibility of Klonopin addiction.

Side Effects Of Klonopin Abuse

Because rectal administration can lead to a faster onset time and a more intense high, a person who has recently plugged Klonopin may also experience more intense side effects.

Common side effects of plugging Klonopin may include:

  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision
  • weakness
  • unsteadiness
  • stomach upset
  • constipation
  • headache
  • trouble sleeping
  • hostility
  • irritability
  • nightmares

While these side effects may not be as severe as the other dangers listed, they can still lead to additional complications or worsen over time.

Effects On The Brain And Body

While Klonopin can be a helpful medication, it’s also a powerful central nervous system depressant. Because of this, it can have a huge impact on a person’s brain and body.

Klonopin works by making more of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your body. This chemical blocks certain brain signals, and in turn, helps to calm your central nervous system.

Messing with the brain’s natural communication system in any way can cause permanent damage. Plus, depressing your central nervous system can be tough on the body and lead to difficulty breathing or respiratory depression.

Rectal administration can also lead to potentially severe effects on a person’s body. When drugs are plugged, they’re absorbed through the lining inside the rectum. After time, this can lead to side effects like persistent diarrhea, damaged rectal tissue, and poor blood circulation.

Treatment Options For Klonopin Abuse

Klonopin abuse and addiction can be successfully treated with a variety of methods in inpatient or outpatient programs. Generally, inpatient programs are more intensive. With this type of treatment, a person will stay full-time at a detox facility while they receive support and resources.

Alternatively, outpatient programs are available. In these programs, people visit a treatment center several times weekly and return home afterward.

If you or a loved one may be plugging Klonopin or abusing benzodiazepines in other ways, there is no time like the present to seek help. Reach out to an treatment specialist today to find the best program for you.

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