Amytal (Amobarbital) Detox: Timeline And Withdrawal

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021

Amytal (amobarbital) is a barbiturate drug that can cause dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms if use of the drug is abruptly stopped. Overcoming Amytal addiction, or Amytal abuse, typically begins with a drug detox program.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021

Amytal detoxification, or detox, is a process of ridding the body of Amytal. The safest way to do this is through a tapering process, in which you slowly wean off Amytal.

Stopping Amytal all at once, or “cold turkey,” can be life-threatening. If you’re physically dependent on Amytal, stopping Amytal could cause severe side effects known as withdrawal.

Learn more about detoxing from barbiturates

What Causes Amytal Withdrawal?

Withdrawal is a set of symptoms that can develop if someone who’s dependent on Amytal stops taking it very suddenly. This syndrome can develop as a result of chronic drug use or drug abuse.

Essentially, withdrawal is the body’s reaction to a lack of Amytal in a person’s system. It is a process of readjustment and recovery from drug dependence after a period of chronic use.

Read more about Amytal addiction

What Happens When You Detox From Amytal?

Stopping amobarbital abruptly can lead to the development of certain physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms within eight to 15 hours after last use.

What this experience looks and feels like can vary by person, but it can become potentially dangerous and life-threatening for people with severe drug dependence.

Amytal withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • anxiety
  • tremors
  • hyperthermia (high body temperature)
  • sweating
  • restlessness
  • insomnia
  • twitching
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • psychosis
  • seizures

How intense these symptoms become can vary according to a range of factors. Common predictors of severe withdrawal include chronic use of Amytal and polysubstance abuse.

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What Are The Dangers Of Amytal Detox?

Untreated withdrawal after stopping Amytal can cause serious side effects, including circulatory system failure, seizures, psychosis, and death.

For this reason, tapering off Amytal under close medical supervision is strongly recommended to avoid the development of life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Risk Factors For Severe Barbiturate Withdrawal

Certain populations who take Amytal can be at risk for severe symptoms of withdrawal with stopped use.

Risk factors for life-threatening withdrawal include:

  • older age
  • taking Amytal for years
  • taking high doses of Amytal
  • Amytal abuse
  • abusing multiple drugs
  • severe Amytal dependence
  • stopping Amytal cold-turkey
  • having other serious medical conditions

Due to potential dangers, anyone who’s misused Amytal, or has taken it for a long time, should consult a doctor or receive an assessment through a detox program before adjusting their drug dosage.

Within a detox program, medical observation and treatment for withdrawal can be provided. This can increase safety during the detox process and connect patients with further drug treatment.

Medical Detox For Amytal Addiction

Medical detox is a medically-supervised detoxification process that takes place in a clinical setting, such as a detox facility, hospital, or inpatient addiction treatment center.

What medical detox programs can offer:

  • 24-hour observation
  • medical supervision
  • medicine for severe withdrawal symptoms
  • a high level of safety
  • fluids and nutritional support
  • treatment referrals

When you begin a medical detox program, a medical professional will perform a physical assessment, and ask you questions about your drug use, medical history, and mental health.

With that information, medical staff can create an individualized detox plan to help you safely get off Amytal and ensure you receive the level of care and treatment you need.

Who Needs Amytal Detox?

Certain signs of amobarbital dependence can help you determine if you or a loved one needs to detox from Amytal after a period of chronic drug use or drug misuse.

Common signs of Amytal dependence include:

  • having to gradually increase your dosage over time (i.e. tolerance)
  • taking Amytal regularly for at least several weeks
  • feeling reliant on your drug use
  • constant preoccupation with getting or using more drugs
  • feeling anxious once the effects of Amytal wear off
  • feeling physically sick within hours of your last dose

This is not a comprehensive list. Anyone who’s taken Amytal for more than a few weeks should seek medical advice before making any adjustments to their drug use for safety purposes.

Find Amytal Detox And Addiction Treatment Today

Getting help for Amytal abuse begins with finding a treatment center that can offer medical detox services for the initial withdrawal process.

If you’re looking for Amytal detox for yourself or a loved one with an addiction, we can help you find a detox program that’s right for you.

Call us today to learn more about Amytal detox and to find Amytal abuse and addiction treatment options.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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