How To Detox From Restoril (Temazepam)

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 4, 2021

Detoxing from Restoril (temazepam) may require medical treatment and supervision. Stopping Restoril abruptly, or all at once, can be dangerous. The safest way to detox from Restoril is to find a medical detox program.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 4, 2021
How To Detox From Restoril

Restoril (temazepam) is a prescription drug that can cause physical dependence. If it’s taken regularly for more than a few weeks, this could lead to withdrawal with stopped use.

Detoxing from Restoril, or getting the drug out of your system, can be best accomplished in a detox center or addiction treatment facility. This is the safest way to get off Restoril.

Learn more about detoxing from benzodiazepines

How Restoril Detox Works

Detoxification (detox) is a process of eliminating toxins, including drugs, from the system. With benzodiazepine drugs like Restoril, this can lead to withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal syndrome is the body’s reaction to a lack of Restoril in your system, once you’ve developed a physical dependence on the drug.

Tapering Your Restoril Dosage

Detoxing from Restoril typically involves weaning off it slowly by gradually tapering the amount of Restoril you take over the course of several weeks or months.

What this tapering process will look like will depend on:

  • the amount of Restoril you’re taking
  • how long you’ve been taking Restoril
  • history of drug abuse or Restoril addiction
  • past complications during benzodiazepine detox
  • your medical and mental health history

Quitting Restoril all at once, or “cold turkey,” is not recommended. This can lead to a serious physical and psychological reaction that can, in severe cases, become life-threatening.

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Side Effects Of Restoril Detox

Restoril is a habit-forming drug. This means that you may experience side effects, or withdrawal symptoms, if you try to cut down on your dose or stop taking it completely.

Restoril withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • anxiety
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • nightmares
  • sweating
  • dysphoria
  • tremors (shaking)
  • irritability
  • fast heart rate
  • increased blood pressure
  • memory problems
  • ringing in the ears
  • unusual movements
  • panic attacks
  • hallucinations
  • seizures

Seizures are a severe symptom of Restoril withdrawal that can develop if Restoril is stopped abruptly. If this occurs, seek medical attention right away.

Restoril Detox And Withdrawal Timeline

Acute withdrawal symptoms typically begin within 24 hours of your last dose, and may last for anywhere from five days to several weeks.

The duration and severity of withdrawal may depend on:

  • age of the person detoxing
  • dose of Restoril taken
  • duration of Restoril use
  • misuse of other drugs (including alcohol)
  • co-occurring mental illness
  • certain medical conditions
  • treatment offered during detox

On average, fully detoxing from Restoril takes two to four weeks. After this, some symptoms, such as depression, rebound insomnia, and anxiety may linger for some time.

This is known as protracted withdrawal, or post-acute withdrawal syndrome. Protracted withdrawal can last up to 24 months, or two years after stopping Restoril.

Who Needs Restoril Detox?

Not everyone who takes Restoril may need to undergo a detoxification process.

Restoril detox may be needed if you:

  • have been taking Restoril regularly for more than a few weeks
  • misuse Restoril
  • are addicted to Restoril
  • abuse Restoril in combination with other drugs (e.g. opioids)
  • feel physically sick if you go too long without taking a dose of Restoril

Before stopping Restoril, seek medical advice on whether you should taper your dose of Restoril, or if it might be more suitable to seek help through a drug detox program.

What Are The Risks Of Restoril Detox?

Restoril belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, or “benzos” for short. Along with alcohol, benzodiazepines can cause some of the most serious withdrawal symptoms of all drugs.

Primary risks of Restoril detox include:

  • seizures
  • thoughts of suicide
  • thoughts of hurting oneself
  • psychosis (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, paranoia)
  • relapse to drug use

These risks can be safely and effectively managed by medical professionals in a medical detox program.

Those who are at risk for severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome should not attempt to detox outside of a clinical setting.

Restoril Detox Programs

Detox programs are short-term treatment programs offered by drug and alcohol detox centers, as well as some hospitals, rehab centers, and outpatient treatment facilities.

The safest option for detoxing from Restoril is medical detox, also known as medically supervised or inpatient detox.

Medical Detox For Restoril

Medical detox programs offer 24-hour supervision and care for people overcoming drug dependence and addiction. This is the best option for detoxing from substances.

What medical detox can offer:

  • around-the-clock observation
  • treatment for severe withdrawal symptoms
  • nutritional support during detox
  • fluid support (i.e. IV therapy)

Detoxing in a detox facility or addiction treatment center reduces the risk of relapse and has healthcare personnel on standby to treat medical complications if and when they do occur.

Outpatient Detox For Restoril

Outpatient detox assistance may be helpful for people with mild Restoril dependence who do not have a substance use disorder.

Unlike medical detox, this doesn’t require staying in a detox center overnight. Instead, you may visit a doctor or treatment center daily or every couple days for observation and counseling.

Restoril Detox FAQs

Find answers to common questions about Restoril detox and withdrawal.

❓ What Causes Restoril Withdrawal?

✔️ Withdrawal occurs when someone with a chemical dependency stops their substance use abruptly, or goes too long without using more.

❓ Is Restoril Addictive?

✔️ Restoril can be physically addictive, and may become psychologically addictive with misuse.

It works in the body by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of mood and stress response.

❓ What Type Of Drug Is Restoril?

✔️ Restoril is a brand name for temazepam, a type of short-acting benzodiazepine. It is also classified as a Schedule IV drug and central nervous system depressant.

❓ How Long Does Rebound Insomnia After Temazepam Last?

✔️ Rebound insomnia after detoxing from Restoril may last anywhere from several weeks, to months, or even years after last use.

Find A Restoril Detox Program Today

For many, detox is the first step on the road to recovery from substance abuse and addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling with Restoril dependence, we may be able to help.

For more information about Restoril detox and how to find Restoril detox options near you, call our helpline to get connected with one of our representatives today.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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