Kratom Detox: Side Effects And Timeline

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021

Kratom is a natural substance that can cause withdrawal symptoms similar to that of opioid withdrawal in those who become physically dependent. Kratom detox can be uncomfortable. It can be most safely accomplished with the guidance of medical professionals.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021
How To Detox From Kratom

Kratom is a natural, legal substance native to Southeast Asia that’s known for its opiate-like effects. Like most drugs, kratom can cause physical dependence after a period of chronic use.

Detoxing from kratom may involve a multi-step process of finding a detox program, undergoing withdrawal, and transitioning into a drug rehab program for substance abuse treatment as needed.

Find out more about alcohol and drug detox programs

Who Needs Kratom Detox?

Kratom detox is a process of allowing your system to fully process the kratom from your body.

For people who use kratom very regularly, stopping your use of kratom very suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms that can be treated in a drug detox program.

Who can benefit from kratom detox:

  • people who are physically dependent on kratom
  • people who need help to stop using kratom
  • people with a history of opioid addiction who use kratom

Although kratom is often used as an alternative to opioids, due to similar effects, it can be habit-forming and may cause mild to severe withdrawal symptoms with stopped use.

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Side Effects Of Kratom Detox

Kratom is a drug that has effects similar to opioids like heroin, oxycodone (OxyContin), and morphine. Symptoms of withdrawal and other effects during detox can also be similar.

Kratom withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • runny nose
  • muscle aches
  • nausea and vomiting
  • irritability
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • cramps
  • hot flashes
  • tremors
  • sweating
  • jerky movements
  • watering eyes
  • mood swings
  • hostility or aggression
  • changes in blood pressure

The intensity of these symptoms may depend on how much kratom you regularly use, and for how long you have been taking kratom, in addition to other factors.

Is Kratom Detox Dangerous?

Physical symptoms of kratom withdrawal can become uncomfortable. This may prompt a person to return to kratom (relapse) and may lead to issues such as dehydration.

Severe dehydration may be caused by:

  • excessive sweating
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • not taking in enough fluids

Withdrawal symptoms during kratom detox aren’t life-threatening. Seeking medical advice from a healthcare provider, however, is strongly encouraged.

Kratom Detox And Withdrawal Timeline

People who have kratom dependence may begin to experience acute withdrawal within 12 to 48 hours of their last dose. Most physical symptoms last no longer than a few days.

The timeline for withdrawal may depend on:

  • amount of kratom regularly used
  • frequency of kratom use
  • duration of kratom use
  • polysubstance use (i.e. use of multiple drugs)
  • history of a substance use disorder
  • other medical or mental health conditions

Emotional and psychological symptoms, such as changes in mood or depression, may persist for some time after stopping kratom.

Kratom Detox Programs

Seeking professional support through a detox program for getting off kratom is highly recommended, particularly for those with a history of substance abuse.

Kratom detox programs include:

  • Medical detox: Inpatient medical detox offers the safest and most effective way to stop using substances. This can offer medical treatment and 24-hour support.
  • Outpatient detox: An outpatient detox program is a less-intensive detox option. This treatment plan often involves regularly checking in with a doctor or a counselor.
  • Social detox: Social detox programs take a medication-free approach to detox. This type of program offers medical supervision and behavioral treatments for withdrawal.

The type of detox program best suited for yourself or a loved one physically dependent on kratom may depend on factors related to your overall health and other personal needs.

It’s not recommended that people with drug dependence try to detox alone without first consulting a medical professional.

Kratom Detox FAQs

Find answers here to frequently asked questions about kratom detoxification, withdrawal, and substance abuse treatment.

❓ What Does Kratom Do?

✔️ Kratom is a naturally occurring substance that can cause stimulant effects at low doses, and euphoric effects, like opioids, at higher doses.

❓ What Is Kratom Detox?

✔️ Kratom detox is a process of allowing the kratom in your body to leave your system naturally. Very simply, this means stopping your drug use.

Detox also refers to a type of acute treatment program that can help people stop using substances like kratom and offer referrals for additional drug addiction treatment.

❓ Can You Stop Kratom Cold-Turkey?

✔️ Quitting kratom all at once, or “cold-turkey,” is not recommended without getting help from a medical professional.

If you’re unable to seek professional detox support, slowly tapering from a higher dose to a lower dose and down to nothing may help prevent severe withdrawal.

❓ What Is The First Step In The Kratom Detox Process?

✔️ Getting medical advice for how to detox from kratom is highly recommended. This process can be very difficult and may be dangerous for some.

At, we offer a free and confidential helpline that can help you find an addiction treatment center for kratom abuse near you.

❓ How Long Does A Kratom Detox Last?

✔️ Detoxing from kratom may take several days. During this time, symptoms of withdrawal may become intense, peaking a couple of days in before gradually declining.

Detox typically doesn’t last longer than a week. After this, some effects such as depression, difficulty sleeping, or anxiety may linger for a few weeks or months.

Find A Kratom Detox Program Today

Getting help for kratom dependence begins with admitting you have a problem and doing something about it. We can help you get there.

For more information about kratom detox or how to find kratom addiction treatment options at a rehab center near you, call our helpline today.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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