How To Detox From Dilaudid (Hydromorphone)

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

Taking the prescription opiate Dilaudid (hydromorphone) for more than a few weeks can cause physical dependence and withdrawal with stopped use. To stop taking Dilaudid, or to get help for Dilaudid addiction, a medical detox program may be recommended.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on May 27, 2022

Dilaudid (hydromorphone) is an addictive prescription drug that can cause physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal if you try to stop taking it too suddenly.

Detoxing from Dilaudid can be most safely accomplished through medical detoxification, or medical detox, which can offer treatment for Dilaudid withdrawal symptoms.

Find out more about how to detox from opioid abuse

What Is Dilaudid Detox?

Detoxification, or detox, is a process of removing toxins, including drugs, from your system. This is typically the first step for overcoming a drug addiction.

Dilaudid is a type of drug known as an opioid. Opioid detox can be physically uncomfortable and may require medical treatment and supervision for safety purposes.

What To Expect From Dilaudid Detox

Detox programs for Dilaudid can offer medical treatment, customized according to your symptoms, and observation for the duration of the detox process.

What Dilaudid detox involves:

  • a clinical assessment
  • acute withdrawal (four to 10 days)
  • preparation for a drug rehab program (if applicable)

Outpatient detoxification may not be suitable for people with a substance use disorder, or those with medical or mental health conditions that can complicate the detox process.

Medical detox is the top-recommended option for detoxing from addictive drugs like Dilaudid, alcohol, and other opioids like fentanyl, heroin, and oxycodone.

Dilaudid Detox And Withdrawal Symptoms

Detoxing from Dilaudid can cause certain side effects, or symptoms of withdrawal, within hours of taking your last dose.

Common early withdrawal symptoms include:

  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • restlessness
  • headache
  • teary eyes
  • runny nose
  • muscle aches
  • sweating
  • excessive yawning
  • insomnia

Additional symptoms may develop over the course of the next few days. This is when peak withdrawal, or the most intense period of withdrawal, occurs.

These late withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • increased blood pressure
  • fast heart rate
  • dilated pupils
  • loss of appetite
  • fast breathing
  • chills
  • goosebumps
  • stomach cramping

If you’re at risk for severe drug withdrawal, a doctor may induce a gradual taper or provide methadone to help reduce the intensity of Dilaudid withdrawal symptoms.

Timeline For Dilaudid Detox And Withdrawal

The entire detoxification process for getting off Dilaudid may take one to two weeks, depending on the formulation of Dilaudid you’ve been taking and other factors.

Day 1: Withdrawal symptoms may begin within the first 24 hours of taking your last dose. This may include mild flu-like symptoms, as well as anxiety and restlessness.

Days 2-5: You may feel physically sick for the first few days after stopping Dilaudid. This can feel like a bad case of the flu. You may also develop cravings for Dilaudid.

Days 5-14: Most physical symptoms will begin to decline within the first week or two of quitting Dilaudid. Anxiety, depression, drug cravings, and insomnia may continue.

Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that linger past the first two weeks may be a sign of post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or protracted withdrawal.

This can be treated with substance abuse treatment services, such as medication-assisted treatment, drug abuse counseling, and behavioral therapy.

What Factors Can Affect The Timeline For Dilaudid Detox?

Certain factors, including personal and biological factors, can affect the amount of time it takes to detox from Dilaudid.

What can affect this timeline:

  • drug formulation taken (i.e. extended-release vs. immediate-release)
  • taking high doses of Dilaudid
  • frequency of drug use
  • duration of drug use
  • severity of drug dependence
  • history of substance abuse or addiction
  • use of multiple drugs (including alcohol)
  • certain medical conditions
  • treatment provided during detox

Generally, the longer you take Dilaudid, the longer it will take to fully detox. Symptoms may also be more severe if you’ve been misusing Dilaudid or have co-occurring disorders.

Treatment Programs For Dilaudid Detox

Opioid withdrawal is primarily treated through supportive care. This can be found through a medical detox or outpatient detox program staffed with medical professionals.

Detox services can be found through:

  • drug detox facilities
  • inpatient addiction treatment centers
  • some hospitals
  • some outpatient treatment providers

Medical Detox For Dilaudid Addiction

Medical detox is the most highly recommended option for detoxing from Dilaudid and other addictive substances. This is the safest way to detox from Dilaudid.

What medical detox can offer:

  • around-the-clock medical supervision and support
  • treatment for moderate to severe withdrawal
  • treatment to relieve drug cravings (i.e. methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone)
  • care coordination for drug rehab after detox

Medical detox is a short-term, inpatient detox program. This offers the highest level of support for people with substance use disorders seeking to overcome drug addiction.

Drug Rehab For Dilaudid Addiction

Drug rehab may be recommended after detoxing from Dilaudid. This can help individuals overcoming addiction continue their path towards achieving lifelong recovery.

Drug treatment programs for Dilaudid abuse may offer:

  • individual and group counseling
  • behavioral therapy
  • medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • recovery support groups
  • mental health treatment services
  • chronic pain management
  • aftercare support

Drug rehab programs can vary in length and intensity. A treatment admissions specialist can help you determine which type of program may be most suitable for you.

Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) Detox FAQs

Find answers here to questions commonly asked about Dilaudid detox, opioid addiction, and treatment options for Dilaudid addiction.

Dilaudid withdrawal can develop if you’ve become physically dependent on Dilaudid. Generally, this occurs as a result of chronic drug use or misuse.

Withdrawal occurs as the body’s reaction to the lack of Dilaudid in your system.

Someone who is detoxing from Dilaudid, or experiencing withdrawal, may begin to feel physically sick or anxious within 24 hours after taking their last dose.

This is when early signs of withdrawal can develop. Severe symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate.

Quitting Dilaudid cold turkey, or all at once, without first seeking medical advice is not advised. This could cause moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms.

The risk for relapse is also high among those who try to quit Dilaudid cold-turkey without the help of medical professionals.

It can be. Some withdrawal symptoms can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and exacerbate co-occurring medical and mental health conditions.

While withdrawal from Dilaudid isn’t typically life-threatening, the best way to prevent complications during detox is to seek professional help from a treatment provider.

Find Treatment For Dilaudid Detox And Addiction Today

Millions of people seek help for opioid abuse and addiction each year. If you or a loved one is addicted to Dilaudid, you’re not alone. Treatment may be available near you.

Call our helpline today to speak with one of our staff about finding Dilaudid addiction treatment options at a detox center or rehab center near you.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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