5 Benefits Of Traveling Out-Of-State To Go To Rehab

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on March 27, 2020

For individuals struggling with an addiction to alcohol and/or drugs, it is often recommended that they seek treatment in a place far away from home. This makes it easier for them to commit to staying through the whole program as leaving isn’t a feasible option when not near home. Additionally, being in a positive environment away from where they were using allows them to have a full “reset”.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on March 27, 2020

According to a national survey in 2015, more than 6.2 percent of adults in the U.S. over the age of 18 suffer from alcohol use disorder.

This is an issue that affects individuals and their families across the nation and is best addressed with the help of professional treatment.

Rather than entering a recovery program at a rehab center closest to where an addicted individual lives, it may be more effective to attend a treatment program in another city or state.

Learn more about the potential benefits of rehab programs out of state below to ensure that all effective substance abuse treatment programs are considered.

1. Getting Away From Triggers And Negative Influences

One of the major benefits of traveling out of state to go to rehab is that there will be a physical distance between the individual who is struggling and some of their most harmful triggers and negative influences.

This includes personal and professional connections who may not make healthy choices and who are not a good influence on the individual seeking professional treatment.

Distance from those people and triggers allows an individual in recovery to take a more intensive approach to their own healing. It also gives them the space to evaluate what some of the constant negative influences in their life might be.

2. Selecting A Rehab Location That Lends To Whole-Body Recovery

Some of the most effective substance abuse treatment programs are the ones that adopt a proactive and comprehensive treatment approach.

Such rehab programs work to address the causes of an individual’s substance abuse issues and treat all issues related to substance abuse.

An individual may not have access to an alcohol or drug rehab center that uses this successful approach near where they live.

This is why traveling away from home to attend a rehab center that treats the individual as a whole can increase the odds of a complete recovery.

In addition, some individuals who suffer from alcohol addiction also have significant health issues that could complicate their treatment, such as mental health disorders, or dual diagnosis.

It is best to attend a rehab center that provides access to medical professionals who can monitor pre-existing health concerns during recovery, even if that rehab center is located far from home.

3. Building A Strong Recovery Support System With Peers And Professionals

Successful recovery from alcohol or drug abuse often involves creating a community of peers and professionals who are supportive of the individual’s new life direction.

This can be more difficult to accumulate in one’s hometown because of issues surrounding their personal and professional reputation.

They may be less likely to pursue a supportive network of peers and professionals near where they live because they are afraid of the stigma associated with admitting to issues with substance abuse.

This is why establishing a close circle of peers who understand an individual’s recovery goals is one of the most significant benefits of rehab programs out-of-state.

4. Removing Distractions So You Can Focus Solely On Recovery

Being close to hometown distractions, including family, personal, and work obligations can make recovering from substance abuse issues that much more difficult.

By attending a rehab program in another area, an individual can maintain total focus on the recovery methods and coping strategies they are learning from helpful professionals.

If someone is constantly worried about keeping up with their personal or professional duties, they will be less likely to appreciate the new information they are absorbing in recovery.

They may also lack sufficient separation from some of the negative factors in their home lives that contributed to choices involving substances, such as alcohol.

5. Seeking Rehab Programs In New Locations Which Offer Better Treatment Options

For those individuals suffering from substance abuse issues in remote areas, it may be very difficult to find an adequate addiction treatment center that meets their specific needs for recovery.

Expanding the geographic area of options for recovering from substance abuse issues is the best way to ensure that each individual seeking treatment can get admitted to a rehab center that works for them.

One of these factors is the caliber of doctors and the availability of prescription medications that may be required to effectively treat all of the issues that someone is dealing with in recovery.

Rehab centers that offer evidence-based treatment services tend to be more effective for an individual’s long-term recovery from substance abuse issues.

How To Select A Rehab Program Out-Of-State

If you or a loved one are looking for information on how to select a rehab center out-of-state, contact our substance abuse treatment specialists for assistance.

After performing an initial assessment, a helpful treatment specialist can identify the specific treatment needs of an individual and match them up with appropriate substance abuse treatment programs.

In addition to helping individuals with how to select a rehab center out of state, our experienced treatment specialists take into account insurance coverage considerations for out-of-state alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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