Dilaudid, also known by its generic name hydromorphone, is an opioid used to treat severe pain in hospitals through IV or oral administration. Without strict medical oversight, Dilaudid can be fatal.
Fatal overdose cases in which hydromorphone was the only substance in a person’s system ranged in concentration from 77 to 2684 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).
Learn more about the lethal dose of commonly abused drugs.
Finding The Lethal Dose Of Dilaudid (Hydromorphone)
The recommended dose for Dilaudid is 1 to 4 mg every four to six hours for pain. It would take a high dose of Dilaudid to result in death.
However, it is possible that people who have not been exposed to opioids very often could overdose at lower doses.
As such, the toxicity of Dilaudid (hydromorphone) depends on a few factors, such as:
- tolerance
- cross-tolerance
- the route of administration
- age
- body compisition
- general health
More Information About Dilaudid
Dilaudid belongs to a class of drugs called opioid analgesics, prescription medications used to treat moderate to severe pain.
The medicine is available in an extended-release tablet and is meant for those who need 24-hour pain relief.
Hydromorphone works by altering the way that the brain and nervous system respond to pain.
Mixing Morphine And Hydromorphone Can Have Lethal Results
Hydromorphone is about five to seven times more potent than morphine, so adverse reactions will occur at lower concentrations than with morphine.
There is a case series by a group of researchers that analyzed the deaths of eight individuals aged 19 to 91 years who ingested morphine and hydromorphone.
Most of these cases involved errors in prescribing, administering, monitoring, and other medical factors.
Additionally, a 2012 survey of over 3,000 health care workers found that there’s a lack of knowledge surrounding opioid dosage calculations.
Know The Signs Of A Dilaudid Overdose
Being aware of the warning signs of a Dilaudid overdose is extremely important, especially if you or someone you love use the medication.
Here are warning signs of a Dilaudid overdose to look out for:
- difficulty breathing
- slow breathing
- muscle weakness
- drowsiness
- unable to respond or wake up
- slow or stopped heartbeat
- cold and clammy skin
A Dilaudid overdose can be reversed through naloxone. If you or a loved one take Dilaudid, talk to your doctor about getting naloxone and be family or care givers know how to use it.
Getting Treatment For Drug Addiction
If you or a loved one are facing addiction, you’re not alone. Call us to learn more about your range of treatment options treatment options, the recovery process, and how to get started.
Addiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — Commonly Used Terms
https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/opioids/terms.html - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — Opioid Data Analysis and Resources
https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/analysis.html - Journal of Analytical Toxicology — Hydromorphone-Related Fatalities in Ontario
https://watermark.silverchair.com/30-3-202.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAApkwggKVBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKGMIICggIBADCCAnsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMGAF7P0NMrYOee1jGAgEQgIICTDQW4EBHbNOFbasJm0YNsTvMmymQGQnZP3vn68jPv4exssMPGBTjHdh-ueQxldpP2-21hFF7Ugs1A_3_uG0ume09lX_bY2HWTU6aSWW2WGvWMDG87AAzaaYcUeVmUcaKtmy9ene2SKfJW4anlGR8k_2aFf_ToivDelEN3KsOMRo_zH28S-XSLc-s55JmR8DmBIHatWUzjNdZr3Igm7ON4bdZL2WcoFGeliTDuWHdA_srDebXMVVfwW--LC9Qcx9WI4MOMN1gLa887Zp2aUi4QSjKI1Wr-adxMuYriZwEes05XLRHoUZSb7fGOSfcyJqMv2w6ZNZ_t-uUCacYcMZjNZvlUSeH2LW1ksQBQUDWgFjH60eTlNVB5jdLx3PW30S2Cxpo2PK38eoOigvf8OlnudBbu1CMpjTEiOQjij-ik662qi9GsInNfrI6sOqOreRDj4rxqGcgAfwirDZXttnzO-qLVM2umI1Wn4baCxV8F37FWUMEFdzMhyNZ9pcMNsk44ip53CY71V80TRd7vSSa8jsEVcwlsYlEmTc5dn2QTLXnli8hLetyE0C-TFx9y7UQ6E-IayPGMOHlBHpHN3MFRGMmXoTnWR6YJWq1gKRC6rbYGqbSbltdAgYIsy4bO6pT03_7QDBUnn7G1w2X7FDie93gjw_hrs-UVw3yx1JwUDKY2t6-cZU3hNn30XGmiwoDMFY1ZKGAvrVkao6T0fUaccQEU1XAx9eBqNDgTmpAIBjRzIFKpSt5bmNU61tpY0_tDnXHyrjrFtZuKjw9cQ - U.S. National Library of Medicine — Fatal overdoses involving hydromorphone and morphine among inpatients: a case series
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5378545/ - U.S. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus — Hydromorphone