Are Butrans Patches Waterproof?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on July 14, 2021

Butrans patches are waterproof. You can shower, bathe, swim, and participate in regular life activities involving water. The patches should not be submerged in hot water. Instead, be sure to use only cool or lukewarm water on the patches.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on July 14, 2021

Butrans patches are waterproof, so they are safe to use with water. It’s best to avoid excessive time spent in water, but regular everyday use of water is fine.

Read more about the benefits of using Butrans patches

Can I Shower/Bathe With A Butrans Patch?

You are free to shower and bathe while using Butrans patches. The adhesive is very strong, so the patch shouldn’t move out of place even if it’s submerged in water.

Do Not Submerge Butrans In Hot Water

Butrans patches should not be exposed to high temperatures.

Regular showers and baths are acceptable, but do not take a hot shower or bath. Only use cool or lukewarm water on the area with the patch.

When using Butrans patches, avoid:

  • hot showers
  • hot baths
  • hot tubs
  • hot water bottles

Submerging a Butrans patch in hot water will result in larger quantities of the active ingredient being absorbed into the bloodstream than normal.

Heat can also cause the patch to lose its stickiness, which will make it fall off and no longer be effective.

An elevated body temperature may change the effectiveness of the Butrans patch. Try to keep your body temperature cool and regulated as much as possible while wearing the patch.

If you develop a fever, call your doctor immediately.

Can I Swim With A Butrans Patch?

It is fine to swim with a Butrans patch. As long as the temperature of the water is not hot, Butrans should not be affected by being submerged in a body of water.

It is possible that repeated or daily swimming could cause the patch to loosen up over time, but in general, it should not lose its adhesiveness.

Will Sweating Make My Butrans Patch Fall Off?

Normal sweating is usually fine and shouldn’t make the patch fall off. You should be able to exercise and experience a moderate amount of sweating while using Butrans.

Sweating can also be a side effect of Butrans, so mild sweating from regular life activities or as a result of the side effects of Butrans should not be an issue.

At times, sweating can prevent the patch from sticking well. In the event that sweating prevents your patch from sticking when you apply it, you may use first-aid tape to help it to stay in place.

If this is an issue, talk with your doctor about options.

Where Should I Apply Butrans To Avoid Water?

Butrans can be applied on either the left or the right upper outer arm, on the upper chest, the upper back, or the side of the chest.

You may want to choose a place that your body doesn’t usually sweat.

For many people, the arms will be the driest location because there is less sweating in those regions and it’s easier to keep it out of water than other areas.

Read more about how to properly apply a Butrans patch

Find Out More About Butrans Treatment

Call our helpline today to talk with a representative about Butrans treatment. We’re here to assist you in learning all of your options for addiction treatment.

If you or someone you love are struggling with an addiction to opioids, Butrans patches can be a sustainable and effective treatment method. Reach out today to learn more.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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