Can I Bring My Laptop To Rehab?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on

Rehab facilities differ in how they regulate the use of electronics such as a laptop in their treatment programs. Most try to strike a balance between keeping the rehab center distraction-free for clients and allowing clients to retain a sense of normalcy.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on

Electronic devices such as laptops are common requirements for many employees and high school and college students to complete their work.

A rehab center that provides inpatient treatment for substance abuse will have rules about electronic devices such as laptops and cell phones, and these rules often vary among treatment facilities.

Bringing Your Laptop To Inpatient Treatment

Some inpatient and residential rehab programs allow you to bring your laptop, and others do not. Those that do may have scheduled “blackout periods,” where use is prohibited.

Some may keep your laptop in a safe place for you and then provide you with it during specified times, storing it again once the allowed period of use is up.

Laptop Use During Addiction Treatment

Alcohol and drug rehab programs may allow you to bring your laptop so that you can continue with schoolwork or job responsibilities while receiving treatment.

For example, treatment programs geared toward the business executive take into account special considerations related to their clients’ jobs.

Other times, residential treatment programs may recognize that emails or even virtual calls with family members and other loved ones can provide beneficial support during recovery.

But even these programs will likely limit access to your device so that you can spend concentrated blocks of time focusing on your treatment.

Why Rehab Programs Restrict Laptop Use

No matter what a rehab center’s laptop policy is, most programs want to keep the treatment process free of as many distractions as possible from the outside world.

Especially in the early stages of detox and recovery, internet access can open up clients to triggers that make it more difficult to stay committed to treatment.

Whether through surfing the internet or accessing social media accounts, these triggers can derail successful outcomes.

Focus On Addiction Recovery

Addiction treatment often requires a person’s full attention. Having smartphones or a laptop handy can cause many unnecessary distractions.

From individual and group therapy sessions to peer recovery support and other forms of mental health treatment, clients get the best results when they are focused.

There is also a lot to learn in terms of what addiction is and how it affects people, as well as how to avoid triggers and prevent a relapse, and a distraction-free environment aids in retaining this information.

What To Do If A Recovery Center Doesn’t Allow Laptops

If you are considering residential treatment programs but can’t find one that allows you the laptop access that you need, you still have options for substance use disorder treatment.

Consider outpatient programs, such as an intensive outpatient program (IOP). These programs offer more flexible addiction treatment and don’t require clients to live onsite.

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