Can I Have Visitors During Rehab?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on

Visits from family members and other loved ones can be very helpful during the addiction recovery process. Visiting policies at rehab centers help keep clients safe during this critical healing time.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on
Can I Have Visitors During Rehab?

It depends. Many addiction treatment centers allow family members or other loved ones to visit during specific visiting hours to offer encouragement and support.

However, it is important to note that every rehab center is different. It is possible that some addiction treatment centers may not allow visitors at all.

The Importance Of Visits From Loved Ones During Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction can wreak havoc on a person’s emotional and mental health, their body, their work and family life, and more.

Fortunately, addiction treatment is available, but it is often challenging. One way to help support a loved one enrolled in an addiction healthcare program is to spend time visiting them.

Visits from family can help ease the stress of being away from home, strengthening bonds with loved ones, offering personal encouragement, and providing quality time together.

Common Rehab Center Visitation Policies And Procedures

While each drug abuse recovery center has its own rules regarding visits from loved ones, there are some common visitor policies and procedures that you’ll find at treatment facilities.

No Visits During Detoxification

Upon first entering rehab, many people will need to detox from drugs or alcohol for a period of a few days up to two weeks before receiving treatment for their substance use disorder (SUD).

This can be a physically and mentally taxing time due to withdrawal symptoms. This period often does not allow visits of any kind, to help ensure client privacy and safety.

Scheduled Visiting Hours

Once past the detoxification process, clients can usually begin receiving visits from loved ones during scheduled visiting hours.

This allows family members and sometimes friends to visit clients either on-site or under supervision off-site for a limited duration of time.

Visitor Vetting

Visitor rules and procedures for many inpatient rehab programs include a vetting process. This is to ensure that no one visits who may not be in support of their loved one’s sobriety.

Even family members such as parents or spouses may need to be drug-tested or otherwise screened prior to visiting.

Many inpatient and residential treatment programs have strict visitation policies because there have been cases where visitors have tried to supply drugs or alcohol to clients.

This is potentially harmful not only to their loved one’s sobriety, but also to that of the other participants in the program.

Addiction Recovery Centers That Don’t Allow Visitors

People with severe SUDs may require residential treatment that is more self-contained, such as those with co-occurring mental health issues and a long-standing addiction to fentanyl, heroin, or other substances.

These programs may not allow visitors for an extended period of time while the person stabilizes, or not at all.

Special Arrangements And Exceptions

Some drug rehab centers offer exceptions to their visitation policies, especially for parents of children experiencing addiction.

Emotional support from a parent is often critical for children in recovery, so regular visits may be both allowed and encouraged.

Benefits Of Family Visits During Addiction Treatment

Family visits and other forms of support, such as phone calls or email communication, if allowed, can help strengthen a loved one’s recovery process.

Many rehab facilities also provide options for family therapy sessions and family services, such as education on addiction in the family.

For many people in recovery, family support provides strength, resilience, comfort, and motivation to continue with treatment.

Find A Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center Today

If you or a loved one is experiencing an SUD, you can take action today. Contact to learn about treatment options and start the recovery journey.

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