Can I Bring My Child With Me To Rehab?

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on

Parents might delay seeking addiction treatment due to their family responsibilities, including providing care for their children. However, mothers are sometimes allowed to bring young children with them to an addiction treatment center.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on
Can I Bring My Child With Me To Rehab?

There are some addiction treatment centers that permit mothers to bring their children with them while attending a drug rehab program.

However, each treatment center is different, and the flexibility of policies regarding bringing children to treatment will depend on the level of care offered, such as residential or outpatient.

Addiction Treatment Centers That Allow Children

Finding a drug rehab center that allows you to bring your child or children along with you during treatment can be difficult, but options do exist.

Typically, whether or not your child can come with you may depend on the level of care provided.

For instance, parents attending outpatient programs or intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are often advised to leave their children at home with a spouse or take them to a daycare center.

Residential and inpatient programs, where clients live onsite for weeks or months, may provide room and board for mothers and their children.

Benefits Of Bringing Your Child With You To A Rehab Program

There are many benefits to bringing your child with you while receiving treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD).

Being close to your child and knowing that your child is being cared for can ease anxiety as well as provide motivation for completing the rehab program.

Family therapy programs, which sometimes allow older children to participate, can also provide healing when a client’s family life has suffered from the complications of substance abuse.

Challenges And Limitations

Although many parents want to bring their children with them to a rehab center, there are some limitations and drawbacks, including that fathers typically aren’t allowed to bring their child.

Also, treatment centers that can accommodate mothers and their children are fairly rare, largely because of resource limitations.

The cost of these programs can also be a concern, especially if you do not have health insurance.

Finding Childcare Support During Addiction Treatment

If you cannot bring your child or children with you to a rehab center, you have a few options available regarding where they can stay temporarily.

First, you may be able to leave your child with your spouse, an adult sibling, your parents, or another trusted family member.

In the event that no immediate or extended family is available, you might consider asking a reliable friend who also has kids, especially if your kids already know each other.

Another option is to arrange childcare at a childcare center during the day, giving family members or friends who are providing care for your child more freedom.

Find A Drug Treatment Center Today

If you or a loved one is living with drug or alcohol abuse, contact today to discuss treatment options available.

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