Castro Valley is located in Alameda County, California. It is a short distance from the cities of San Francisco and Oakland.
For more treatment options, be sure to view our list of the best alcohol and drug rehab centers in California.
List Of Rehab Centers Near Castro Valley, California
Our team has selected the top substance abuse treatment programs near Castro Valley, CA, based on a range of credentials and evidence-based services that demonstrate a high quality of care.
Below you’ll find treatment facilities that feature:
- licensure
- accreditation
- certification
- high Google rating
- other criteria
1. Diablo Valley Drug And Alcohol Services, San Ramon, California
Diablo Valley Drug and Alcohol Services is a comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility.
It is located minutes from Castro Valley in the city of San Ramon.
This drug rehab center is accredited by CARF International and specializes in dual diagnosis for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
Trusted features:
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation
- state licensure
- 5-star Google rating
Levels of care:
- detoxification
- partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- outpatient program (OP)
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
Treatment services:
- buprenorphine treatment
- naltrexone treatment
- co-occurring disorder treatment
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- holistic care
- relapse prevention
- family therapy
- drug testing
Payment options:
- private health insurance
- self-pay
Location and contact information:
100 Park Pl.
Ste. 120
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 289-1430
2. Horizon Treatment Services Project Eden, Hayward, California
Horizon Treatment services has runs programs at several different locations in the East Bay area, including Project Eden which was founded over fifty years ago to provide prevention, intervention, and treatment services to adolescents.
Today Project Eden continues to serve children, teens, adults, and families.
Trusted features:
- state licensure
- evidence-based treatment
- non-profit status
Levels of care:
- outpatient program (OP)
Treatment services:
- adolescent services
- LGBTQ+ services
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- family therapy
- relapse prevention
- Matrix Model
- trauma-informed therapy
- motivational interviewing (MI)
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- anger management
- peer recovery support
- case management
- life skills education
Payment options:
- government funding
- Medicaid
- self-pay
- state health insurance
Location and contact information:
1866 B St.
Ste. 101
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 247-8200
Find Substance Abuse Treatment Today
Are you or a loved one looking for substance abuse treatment? Call us today. We have more information for you about the recovery process and how to get started.
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Article resourcesAddiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- CA Behavioral Health -- California Drug Addiction Statistics - National Institute on Drug Abuse -- Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction