Xanax, which is the brand name for alprazolam, is a benzodiazepine prescription drug that is used to treat anxiety and panic attacks.
It is one of the most commonly prescribed anti-anxiety drugs in the U.S., and more than 48 million prescriptions were written for this drug in 2013 alone. Many Xanax users report that they feel more relaxed and calmer after taking their prescription.
Cocaine is an illegal drug and a powerful stimulant that affects the user’s brain function. A recent United Nations Drug Report showed that more than 20 million people in the world use cocaine.
It is associated with overuse of the pleasure center in the central nervous system and can result in short-term feelings of extreme euphoria.
Polydrug abuse, or consuming multiple substances at the same time, involving mixing cocaine and Xanax is particularly dangerous because it can worsen the negative effects of both drugs.
Why Do People Mix Cocaine And Xanax?
For individuals using cocaine, Xanax can offer a solution to some of the unpleasant stimulant effects associated with the drug. If Xanax is not readily available, another benzodiazepine may be used to “come down” from cocaine.
This form of polydrug abuse can result in dangerous side effects.
Side Effects Of Mixing Cocaine And Xanax
Some of the most common side effects of using cocaine include:
- chest pains
- heart damage
- nasal damage
- loss of appetite
- stomach ulcers
- restricted blood flow
- higher blood pressure
- memory loss
- poor impulse control
- insomnia
- anxiety
- mood swings
- Strokes
- seizures
The typical side effects of Xanax include:
- drowsiness
- dizziness
- imbalance
- nausea
- headache
- loss of sex drive
- dry mouth
- trouble breathing
- loss of coordination
Each of these drugs can produce intense side effects immediately after using them. Regular users of these drugs tend to seek out other substances to try to balance out some of the harsher effects. That is why some people try using cocaine and Xanax at the same time.
The side effects of mixing cocaine and Xanax can be intense because the short-term effects of the drugs appear to counteract each other.
Dangers Of Mixing Cocaine And Xanax
One of the most dangerous potential consequences of mixing these two drugs is permanent damage to the cardiovascular system.
This is because the two drugs combined can cause the heart to work in overdrive and may even result in a heart attack.
In addition, the toxic buildup of drugs within the body as a result of mixing cocaine and Xanax can leave an individual more susceptible to an overdose.
The fact that each of these drugs can easily counteract the short-term effects of the other can lead to polysubstance addiction issues over time.
When a person mixes these drugs at the same time, they may not experience the immediate and extreme effects of either substance.
This enables the consumption of higher dosages of each drug at once and reinforces their addictive properties.
Can You Overdose When Mixing Cocaine And Xanax?
Overdoses from polydrug abuse involving cocaine and Xanax are an unfortunate reality. While both of these substances can be extremely dangerous when consumed separately, they are even more dangerous in terms of resulting in an overdose when used at the same time.
The dosages of each drug that can cause an overdose from cocaine and Xanax depend on a variety of individual factors.
There is no safe way to figure out what quantities of these drugs can be consumed in order to avoid an overdose from cocaine and Xanax.
Treatment For Cocaine And Xanax Abuse And Addiction
The dangers of mixing cocaine and Xanax are severe enough to increase the risk of overdose, and they can lead to long-term damage to the central nervous system and vital organs.
They can permanently alter brain function and have many lasting psychological effects if an individual continues to abuse one or both of these substances for an extended period of time.
The psychological and cognitive damage of using these harmful substances simultaneously can make it even more difficult to persevere through the difficulties of recovery.
Overcoming cocaine and Xanax addiction can be especially difficult without the assistance and supervision of a medical professional.
It is critically important to seek professional help so the addicted individual can get through the painful detox period under medical supervision.
Going through withdrawal symptoms after an individual stops using either of these drugs can be challenging enough on its own without also factoring in the subsequent obstacles in recovery.
Attending a rehab center that focuses on treating individuals who struggle with cocaine addiction, benzodiazepine addiction, or polydrug abuse is the best step to take in getting recovery underway.
Finding A Rehab Center For Cocaine And Xanax Abuse And Addiction
When you or a loved one are ready to explore the options available for recovering from an addiction to cocaine and Xanax, contact our addiction recovery support specialists to speak with a trained and helpful consultant.
They will provide valuable information on the possible rehab centers that might fit your specific needs and are also covered by your health insurance plan.
Then, you can investigate the options that best fit with your treatment needs and enroll in a rehab program. Take the first step towards recovery from substance abuse issues by calling one of our addiction recovery specialists today.
Addiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.
These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.
- Food and Drug Administration — Side Effects of Xanax
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2016/018276s052lbl.pdf - Journal of Addiction and Medicine — Information on Xanax Use in the U.S.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5846112/ - National Institute on Drug Abuse — Side Effects of Cocaine Use