Adderall Detox: Symptoms And Timeline

Medically Reviewed by Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021

Adderall detox can be completed safely by enrolling in a substance abuse detox program. Adderall withdrawal can result in severe side effects over a short period of time.

Medically Reviewed by
Johnelle Smith, M.D. on October 11, 2021

Adderall is prescribed to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is a combination of two stimulants: dextroamphetamine and amphetamine.

Adderall is a prescription stimulant that increases activity in the central nervous system (CNS).

It works by increasing dopamine levels in the brain and can result in dependence and addiction. This can happen even when Adderall is taken as prescribed.

Once dependence or addiction has developed, medically supervised Adderall detox is often suggested.

Learn more about detoxing from prescription stimulants

What To Expect During Medically Supervised Adderall Detox

When arriving at a medically supervised inpatient detox program, you or your loved one can expect to have a variety of screening, tests, and assessments completed, including:

  • mental health assessments
  • risk assessments
  • blood tests
  • drug tests
  • thorough medical, social, psychological, and addiction history evaluation
  • records request of previous health care

These tests and information gathering can help the staff determine how to manage the individual needs of someone experiencing symptoms of withdrawal from Adderall.

Once admitted, a detox schedule is established and started.

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Over the course of several days or weeks, you can expect a structured detox schedule that may include:

  • support groups
  • individual counseling
  • family therapy
  • healthy eating and sleeping schedules
  • prescription medications (benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anti-psychotics, and blood pressure medications are possible options)
  • supplements

The time frame for Adderall detox is significantly reduced if a person attends medically supervised detox, but largely depends on individual differences.

Detox symptoms can last anywhere from five days to several weeks.

Adderall Detox Symptoms

Adderall detox causes both physical and psychological symptoms.

The intensity and duration of symptoms depends on:

  • length of Adderall use
  • what type of Adderall they are using (Adderall or Adderall XR)
  • amount of Adderall they have been taking
  • any underlying health issues

Amphetamine detox typically lasts longer if a person has been dependent on Adderall for a long time, or if they used Adderall XR.

Psychological symptoms of Adderall detox:

  • clouded thinking
  • problems sleeping
  • depression
  • mood swings
  • agitation
  • irritable
  • panic attacks
  • suicidal thoughts
  • cravings
  • psychosis

Physical side effects of Adderall detox:

  • increased hunger
  • insomnia
  • tremors
  • headaches
  • stomach issues
  • fatigue
  • seizures
  • body aches

A common term, “Adderall crash” is used to describe Adderall withdrawal symptoms. Having appropriate medical supervision during an Adderall crash can help ease withdrawal symptoms.

A person with preexisting health conditions is at a higher risk for severe withdrawal symptoms and should follow the medical advice of healthcare providers.

Adderall Detox Timeline

Withdrawal symptoms can begin to emerge rather quickly when a person enters Adderall detox.

The timeline for Adderall detox after the last dose is taken is often as follows:

  • 6-36 hours: Most people experience depression and exhaustion during this time. The quickness in which the Adderall detox process begins is why it is often referred to as the Adderall crash.
  • Day 3-5: Symptoms become more intense over the course of the first five days. These days are the most intense and tend to include depression, irritability, headaches, nightmares, and exhaustion.
  • Day 5-7: Psychological symptoms still remain, and many report feeling like they struggle to engage in normal function. The intensity of Adderall detox symptoms decreases during this time.
  • Week 2+: Some mild depression may exist for several weeks or months following Adderall detox. In individuals with a history of substance abuse or long-term Adderall users, the psychological effects of Adderall detox can last a year or longer.

Does Adderall Detox Come With Risks?

Taking Adderall for long periods of time, and then stopping can cause some unwanted side effects.

When the body develops a physical dependence on a drug like Adderall, it can be dangerous to simply quit taking the drug without the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Seizures, suicidal thoughts, and depression are among the most severe risks of Adderall detox.

Oftentimes, a tapering method is suggested. During tapering, the amount of Adderall a person takes each day is decreased until it is considered ‘safe’ to stop completely.

While this does not prevent all Adderall detox withdrawal symptoms, this tapering method can help.

Additionally, medically supervised detoxification programs as part of a substance abuse or addiction treatment program can help those experiencing Adderall withdrawal symptoms.

Locating A Detox Center For Adderall Addiction

Trying to find a drug rehab facility that provides recovery services for prescription drug addiction can start with a phone call.

Reach out to our helpline today to speak to our trained addiction specialists.

We can help you explore treatment programs that offer inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, including information on medical detox.

This page does not provide medical advice. See more

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